How are you feeling today? Take a moment to check in with yourself. And now, remember that your thoughts, words, and vibration are out pictured in who, what, and the circumstances that surround you. As we check in with ourselves let’s be sure to remember that this is not at all about shaming or making ourselves wrong…it’s more like working a puzzle in order to see the picture. In this case are we happy, frustrated or sad, hopeful??? Who or what is bugging us or scaring us, or who or what might be adding to our bliss??? On this planet where there is the law of attraction, nothing is able to intrude your space without your attraction…so whether you love your surroundings or despise them, they are there by your invitation…in my teaching we no longer have to identify each limiting belief in order to bring about a positive change; instead we can simply begin to “tell a new story”. Meaning we can release all resistance to “what is” and then decide “now what?”. We can then leave our old story behind and now rather than creating our life on the “default” setting and allowing life to just happen to us, we can begin to create our life on purpose. So as you check in today, there is no need to judge your situation nor to resist it; rather just center, align yourself with Spirit and create anew. It is only by continuing to tell the old story that it continues to be a part of your reality. Live a life on purpose starting right now! Namaste