Posts by Susie

Susie’s Blog

Posted by on Feb 5, 2016 in Uncategorized | Comments Off on Susie’s Blog

Consider this: I have been working with my students and with myself in allowing the “unknown” of each new moment to unfold with new opportunities for expansion, without making it “the known” by seeing it through the eyes of our past experience…to let go of judging, criticizing, labeling or describing anything in the next moment in time using the information of what we already know. The result of this exercise is to allow ourselves to know and experience more, for the purpose of expansion; rather than continually creating more versions of what we already know. As...

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Susie’s Blog

Posted by on Dec 18, 2015 in Uncategorized | Comments Off on Susie’s Blog

Monday, December 21st, marks this year’s winter solstice. This is the time that marks the darkest moment of the year just before the light arrives. As we see human consciousness transitioning to more light at this time, this is the perfect symbolism to hold in our heart and mind to add to the momentum of our spiritual evolution. Now, is a perfect time to develop an attitude of forgiveness of any and all of the past shortcomings of mankind (including yourself) over all of time. This is a time for renewal, intention setting and affirmations. Begin now, to lay the groundwork for the way...

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Posted by on Dec 13, 2015 in Uncategorized | Comments Off on Transition

December 8-15, 2015 As we shake the feelings of last week that had many of us thinking that all we knew for sure was that we didn’t know anything for sure, we may wonder, “how it is possible that from yesterday to today, we can to feel so much better?”. Well, that’s what can happen during times of transition. So now, with these new feelings of well-being, we can add intention to the evolution we are experiencing. Let’s remember that during transition, all things are possible. These changes can only be limited by our false, limiting beliefs. So let’s add...

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Posted by on Dec 3, 2015 in Uncategorized | Comments Off on TRANSITION

December 1-7, 2015 This month we are in a time of powerful transition on a planetary level and for the first seven days of December we may want to pay special attention to any feelings of fight or flight…you may even notice unusual feelings of fear or perhaps experience unfounded concerns at this time…just notice these feelings and know that when the collective consciousness shifts, as it is doing now, we just naturally feel the “unknown” looming out ahead of us and that can feel a bit scary. Know that just like turning on a light chases away the dark, just noticing...

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You…in this moment

Posted by on Aug 5, 2015 in Uncategorized | Comments Off on You…in this moment

> > You…in this moment > Who are you? What do you think? What do you believe? If you ever ponder these questions, know that the answers are everywhere around you, for in truth all that you do, say, and think, are out pictured in the life you are living. Your thoughts, words and beliefs are creating the experience you are having that you see as your life. Our beliefs are just thoughts we keep thinking…information from the time of our birth until the present is stored in our subconscious mind. The beliefs of others and our early experience are controlling 70 to 90% of our everyday...

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