As we know, we replace thousands of cells every minute…when you complete the reading of this message, we could say that you will be a different person…physically, cells will have been replaced, mentally, you have more information to digest, emotionally, you will react to how comfortable the information is for you. Change is constant, and inevitable…so why do we only feel safe if everything, and everyone stays the same? Familiarity gives us a false sense of security! How much safer we all would truly be, if we had present moment awareness of “What is”, in our life…we would almost never be surprised by that “other shoe” dropping. We would be steady in creating more of what we want, rather than suffering from fear. Let’s let go of wanting everyone, and everything, to remain the same, and rather, let’s enjoy the experience, expansion, and evolution of change occurring, with our full cooperation and input! I hope the following two quotes will give clarity to this message. “A foolish consistency is the hobgoblin of little minds… Speak what you think now in hard words; and tomorrow speak what tomorrow thinks in hard words again, though it contradict everything you said today.” -Ralph Waldo Emerson (1803-1882 As we learn and grow we change our minds, we change our opinions, we open up our hearts to new possibilities. This is all good! Is it better to be “consistent” or to follow the truth of our hearts? I think politicians have a hard time because their opinions are so “on the record” that their past words often come back to haunt them. But we are each different people than we were five years ago, even five days ago or five minutes ago! Our hair changes, our style changes, and naturally, our feelings change, too. -Lisa Coffey May these words free you to be your authentic, amazing self! Namaste
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